Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sharing a Facebook memory from February 26, 2022.....

I wasn't going to post about this but this thought has been weighing heavy on my mind.  I apologize for the lengthyness....

I have a confession to make....I just took down the final decorations from Christmas and winter this past week.  I've received a few comments and looks for still having them up.  

Yes, it's almost the end of February, but for nearly 10 years I've struggled to be able to enjoy the Christmas season without shedding tears and fighting a lump in my throat after my first husband passed, then my children all moved out.  

Christmas 2021 was a struggle again emotionally for me to decorate.  I missed my kids and grandkids as memories of Christmases past kept creeping back to haunt my mind. It hurt! I miss my family being close and near. 

But I finally made it past that hurtle.  I focused on that this season is all about Jesus.  I always do, but it seemed to really consume me this year more than ever in my entire life.  I focused on the positives of every time I heard from each of my children or was able to spend time with my daughter, her husband,  and my grandson who do live near.  Although my heart ached missing the ones who were too far away to join us, we did have a good Christmas gathering with some of our grown children and grands.  

For some reason this year,  I just wasn't ready to put it all away so fast.  I'm glad I left it up longer.   Because as I began to reflect and think about what is happening in Ukraine and our tumultous world the past couple years,  I thought, "None of us are promised tomorrow." 

Many have passed who thought they had more time.  More time for fun. More time to enjoy life. More time to see another Birthday or Thanksgiving or Christmas. More time to see their kids and grandkids grow.  We thought my late husband had more time, too.  Today would have been his 58th birthday.  

So, if you see someone enjoying a season a little longer than many think is proper, maybe reconsider saying anything negative.  If they're enjoying a season or something else and it makes them happy, let them be happy (as long as it's not harmful to anyone or sinful). 

For some, that could be their last time to enjoy it for themselves or with their families.  War, pestilence, accidents, health issues, etc can rob them of that without warning.   I know first hand. 

Knowing we're not promised tomorrow,  don't delay to get your heart right with Jesus.  For above all else, we must be saved.  Follow the Bible's instructions concerning how to be saved in Acts 2:38. 

Pictured is the prayer and life Scripture my late husband typed out and kept above his desk.  Jesus,  help us to be saved and ready for your return.

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