Saturday, May 26, 2012


Memorial Weekend

     I'm actually beginning to 'strongly dislike' (trying not to say 'hate') holidays.  I know I shouldn't feel that way (and I'm sure I won't feel this way forever) but this is how I feel right now.  I'm missing my husband, I see the sadness on my children's faces, and family is too far away to get together with...holidays just seem to compound the pain and loneliness.  *sigh!*  BUT it will get better! I cling to that hope!  I have to in order to make it through.

     I went to my husband's grave prepared to clean around it and water the ground with my tears.  As I began brushing dirt and cobwebs off the headstone and flower urn, I noticed there were cobwebs among the flowers (again).  Since they were beginning to look faded, I pulled them out to replace them.  Inside, was a big black spider and evidence of it's many midnight snacks.  I was trying to decide if I should just put the new flowers in and ignore it when it moved.  To my horror, I spotted a RED HOURGLASS!

Thus began....
The Grieving Widow versus the Black Widow

     I stood petrified for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do next.   The only thing I had on hand was Repel mosquito spray so I grabbed it and began spraying.......and spraying......and then I sprayed some more.  It worked...or at least stunned it enough that I was able to kill it and it's eggs with a stick. It was a battle between the widows, but I won (thankfully)! One thing about seeing that helped me to quickly forget my sorrow, but now I have the heebie jeebies!  

Whoever said, "you have nothing to fear except fear itself" must have forgotten about poisonous spiders!!! 

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