Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sharing a Facebook memory from February 26, 2022.....

I wasn't going to post about this but this thought has been weighing heavy on my mind.  I apologize for the lengthyness....

I have a confession to make....I just took down the final decorations from Christmas and winter this past week.  I've received a few comments and looks for still having them up.  

Yes, it's almost the end of February, but for nearly 10 years I've struggled to be able to enjoy the Christmas season without shedding tears and fighting a lump in my throat after my first husband passed, then my children all moved out.  

Christmas 2021 was a struggle again emotionally for me to decorate.  I missed my kids and grandkids as memories of Christmases past kept creeping back to haunt my mind. It hurt! I miss my family being close and near. 

But I finally made it past that hurtle.  I focused on that this season is all about Jesus.  I always do, but it seemed to really consume me this year more than ever in my entire life.  I focused on the positives of every time I heard from each of my children or was able to spend time with my daughter, her husband,  and my grandson who do live near.  Although my heart ached missing the ones who were too far away to join us, we did have a good Christmas gathering with some of our grown children and grands.  

For some reason this year,  I just wasn't ready to put it all away so fast.  I'm glad I left it up longer.   Because as I began to reflect and think about what is happening in Ukraine and our tumultous world the past couple years,  I thought, "None of us are promised tomorrow." 

Many have passed who thought they had more time.  More time for fun. More time to enjoy life. More time to see another Birthday or Thanksgiving or Christmas. More time to see their kids and grandkids grow.  We thought my late husband had more time, too.  Today would have been his 58th birthday.  

So, if you see someone enjoying a season a little longer than many think is proper, maybe reconsider saying anything negative.  If they're enjoying a season or something else and it makes them happy, let them be happy (as long as it's not harmful to anyone or sinful). 

For some, that could be their last time to enjoy it for themselves or with their families.  War, pestilence, accidents, health issues, etc can rob them of that without warning.   I know first hand. 

Knowing we're not promised tomorrow,  don't delay to get your heart right with Jesus.  For above all else, we must be saved.  Follow the Bible's instructions concerning how to be saved in Acts 2:38. 

Pictured is the prayer and life Scripture my late husband typed out and kept above his desk.  Jesus,  help us to be saved and ready for your return.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sharing a memory from Facebook that God does hear the widow's prayer and cares for the fatherless: ❤️

As I listened to the heavy rain falling this morning,  a memory came flooding back to my mind.

My two youngest children were at school, and I was at work 20 minutes away.  It was pouring rain that day and I kept diligently praying that the rain would stop before my children were out of school.  The bus would drop them at the end of the drive but then they had a long, winding, couple minutes walk to where we lived.  They had already been through so much from their dad passing.  I didn't want them to get soaked adding misery to what they'd already gone through.  

As time drew nearer for school to be out and I saw no signs of the rain letting up, I pleaded multiple times with my boss to let me leave long enough to pick them up and take them home so they wouldn't get wet.  He refused (even though I worked a lot of required overtime without pay due to being paid salary).  I pleaded with God to stop the rain but it kept pouring down.  It came the time that I knew they would already be home, so I just asked God to help my children.  

When I arrived home, I asked if they got wet walking home after school?  Tasha told me no.  It had stopped raining right before they got out of school and didn't start raining again until they were inside the house. 

God heard and answered even though I wasn't aware that He had answered! ❤️

Sometimes, it may feel like we are praying fervently but to no avail.  Our human eyes may not see the prayer being answered. But keep praying,  keep knocking,  keep going back and asking God again.  Just because you don't see it happening or changing doesn't mean He's not working on it.  He may just be moving in ways you nor I can see.

Friday, December 13, 2024

How much do we truly make Christmas about Jesus Christ?

A memory from 12-13-21 and still good questions to ponder and reflect on......

The thought that's been heavy on my heart for several days....

How much do we truly make Christmas about Jesus Christ?

Seriously - think about it, ponder on it, and soul search.

I'm not knocking the presents, the lights, the trees, the parties, or family gatherings.   I enjoy those, too.  

But if Jesus is the Reason for the Season, how much focus do we truly place on Him?

I've never taught my children there was santa....for many reasons. 

I didn't like a fictitious character getting credit for what I worked hard to provide. 

I didn't like the focus being on santa instead of / more than Jesus.  

Just to name a few

So, while I didn't do those things, I still had to soul search how much I truly centered Christmas around Christ to my children.  

I said He was, but did my actions say something different?  We drove around playing Christmas music and looking at lights after their Dad passed, trying to find some Christmas cheer. We tried to enjoy the beautiful tree with the presents beneath and the joy they'd bring, meager though they were. We gathered for parties with friends. And watched parades.

Even the Church "Christmas programs"

But how much attention did Jesus truly receive? 

Was it, is it, truly about HIM? or about watching the adorable kids perform? Or the warm fuzzy feeling WE get inside enjoying all these Christmas festivities and songs?

And the songs....don't get me wrong.  I love singing Jingle Bells and other fun joyful Christmas songs.  But how much are they truly about Jesus? and to Jesus? So many, too many, are about santa, or self, or worse...lust, fornication,  and adultery. I've cringed and grieved so much lately.  

I've reflected and I've repented for any way I've grieved God's heart and any time I didn't make Christmas more Christ focused.  

Because without Christ,  there would not be a Christmas!

Let's challenge each other to get back to Christmas being more Christ centered. After all, it's all about HIM and unto HIM.

Friday, November 1, 2024

To the grieving....

I haven't posted on here in several years but came across the memory on Facebook where I posted this song on Nov 1, 2011. I just revised my wording and re-posted it for those who are grieving.....

Early May of 2011, mine and my children's world came crashing down - suddenly,  unexpectedly,  without warning.  This song has became my heart's song for quite a while after I heard it. I posted it Nov 1, 2011.

There are several i know who have experienced devastating blows - you are on my mind and in my prayers daily.  I know I wasn't in a frame of mind to hear music at that time but maybe the words to this song will say what you're feeling but can't express.  

Breathe in, breathe out

It's all that I can do now

Hold on somehow

My world has come crashing down

And I cannot understand

How this could be Your heart

Still I'm lifting trembling hands

Help me trust in who You are

You are my God

Here in the darkness, in the night

You have never left my side

You are my God

Even when I can't see Your face

I know I'm held in Your embrace

You are my God

I'm weak, I'm torn

My tears like rain fall to the floor

But peace, my Lord

You have whispered in this storm

And this is still Your plan--

That You would have my heart

So I'm lifting trembling hands

Help me trust in who You are

And where else can I go?

And who else can I turn to?

Your word is eternal life and I'm not letting go

I'm holding on to You

You are my God

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Joy Comes in the Morning

...Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Psalm 30:5

     Sometimes the night seems endless.  Some days it feels your sorrow or trial will never end.  You've held on tightly to hope but wonder when morning will come.  You try to smile but it never feels quite genuine.  Keep hanging in there, my friend!  Joy will return, and the sun will shine again.  

Weeping may endure for a night....
     In life, you will go through things at times that literally knocks the breath out of you.  You wonder if you will survive or if things will ever get better.  They will.  It may not feel like it at the moment but your trial, your sorrow, the darkness of night will only endure but for a little while.  It can't last forever.  Just as the night turns into day and the sun always rises in the morning, your joy will return.  
JOY cometh in the morning....
     God promised that ALL things work together for good to them that love God....(Romans 8:28). You love God. He loves you.  He will work this out for your good.  You didn't plan for life to go this way.  What has happened is not by your choosing. He will turn this situation around.  What the devil meant to destroy you, God will use to bring Him glory.  You are called and He will work everything out according to HIS purpose.   Morning is coming and with it, joy!   



Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Waiting on God

Waiting on God to bring things to pass can be frustrating and exhausting, especially if it's been years and you’re still waiting on things to come to pass. But remember Abraham…he received a Promise yet he did not see the fullfillment for many many many years.  Then he tried to make it happen in his own way and ended up with Ishmael at 86 yrs old.  He  was 91 before Isaac finally came. Sometimes you have to wait and though it may seem like it's never going to happen, wait patiently. If you try to force it to happen, you could end up with an Ishmael, always taunting and fighting against the Promise.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Father's Day, as with all holidays, is a day of mixed emotions.  While I'm thankful my dad is still living, it hurts that my children no longer have theirs. I spent the day celebrating my dad across the miles and mourning the father of my children. 

After calling my dad and wishing him a Happy Father's Day, I stopped by the grave of my late husband.  This is our 4th Father's Day without him and it's still painful.  Tears would not stop falling as I knelt beside his headstone, lovingly caressing his picture.  I miss him!  His children miss him!  

I know he's having a grand celebration up in Heaven, but we have a huge empty place in our hearts because he's not here for us to celebrate with.  I read something recently that is so true, "They say time heals all wounds.  It's not time that heals, but God."  Healing is coming but slowly....for all of us.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Lost Roll of Film

I recently found a roll of undeveloped film which had to have been taken before my husband passed.  So, I turned it in to be developed, anxiously awaiting its return, and wondering what treasures I was going to find.  Wonder turned to despair as I glanced through the pictures and found not one of them turned out.  It was almost more than my heart could handle.  Thankfully, the nice gentleman working the photo labs did not charge me.  I wanted to cry but took a deep breath instead and walked away.  That one little upset has thrown me into a state of despair all afternoon.  It may seem trivial to someone who has not lost at such a deep level, but, to me, it was a major upset.  It would have been better not to have ever found that roll of film.  That despair has led me into deeper despair as I've wondered and questioned where my life, my ministry, my future is headed.  As I pondered these things in my heart, I suddenly realized the song, "Hold On To the Promises" was playing over and over in the background of my mind until it became loud enough for me to hear, reminding me God WILL keep His Promises!  Sometimes, it just takes longer than we anticipate or would like.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Single Mom

Being a mom is not easy....being a single mom is even tougher!  Especially if your a working single mom without any family that lives near.  Here's a glimpse into my day (I'm sure you can relate if you're a single mom)...

I wake every morn around 5 or 5:30am (unless I have to be to work early) in order to get myself and the kids up and ready in time for work.  We were ready to head out the door a little before 7am, but then I found out my daughter still is not feeling well and actually asked to go to the doctor (I knew she must be really sick).  I dropped my son off at school a little after 7am then headed straight to the doctor's office  arriving around 7:20am.  The doctor was finally able to see her around 8am and prescribes antibiotic for a sinus infection.  There was no time to stop by the pharmacy, so I rushed back home to drop her off then headed into work arriving a half hour late.  

It was a busy, hectic day at work as usual...rushing to a school to take orders, rushing back to office with work piling up...all while dealing with a severe sinus headache as well.  Five pm finally arrived, but I still had to get my daughter's prescription filled so I headed to the pharmacy we always used (25 minutes from work but close to home).  I stood in line and waited.....and waited.....and waited.....   Finally, I was next in line, but the lady at the drop off window did not motion me forward, so I waited.....and waited.....and waited..... until I looked over and saw the pick up window was backed clear up as well.  That's when I decided to go to a different grocery store that has quicker pharmacy service. 

As I was driving, somehow the bottle of pop flew out of my hand and landed upside down in my lap.  I tried to dab up the soda from my skirt while driving and all the while feeling perplexed because I still needed to go fill her prescription but now I would have to walk into the store with this HUGE wet spot on the front of me (thankfully it was a brown skirt so it wasn't too noticeable).  I walked in, dropped off the prescription within seconds, grabbed some groceries, picked up the meds, payed for my groceries, and headed home.  By that time, it was already way after 6pm. 

As I headed home, I realized I had not checked mail in several days so I made yet another stop.  (My mail is not delivered to my home so I have to find time to stop by the Post Office....and unfortunately their hours never coincide with my work hours so if I need to pick up a package, I am in a quandary.)  I finally made it home around 6:30pm but then I still had to bring in all the groceries (the kids helped put them away). 

At this point, I still haven't even thought about supper.  I know it's Wednesday and we should be at church but my daughter and I are not feeling well.   As a single mom, I push myself until I can't push anymore and tonight is one of those nights.  I am so thankful our church webcasts its services so we could at least listen to the preaching. There's so many things I should be, could be, or need to be doing, but it will have to wait for another day when Mom is feeling better. 


Sunday, September 22, 2013

New Chapter in Life

Another page has turned and a new chapter has begun in my life. I am now a mother-in-law! (I have been a step-mother-in-law for several years but it's quite a different feeling when it's my little girl getting married.) I'm not old enough for this and neither is she!!!   I keep telling myself that, but obviously I am and she is as well.  My oldest daughter has been married for 4 months now.  The first 2 months were a painful adjustment for me.  It sent me back into another cycle of grief as I adjusted to another loss.  Yes, I know I didn't lose a daughter but gained a son...still, it was a painful adjustment to no longer have her living in the same house or even the same town.  Thankfully, she is not too far away and is married to a wonderful young man.  It gives this momma's heart peace and comfort knowing he dotes on her and so does his family.

My daughter was such a beautiful bride!  I had been so busy with all the wedding prep that I was able to bury the pain of her father not being there to walk her down the aisle until we were ready to begin the ceremony.  All of a sudden, every emotion rushed in on me as I looked at her standing there.  I have never cried at a wedding before, but I cried at this one.  Memories of the day I married Mike flooded back into my mind as I watched my dad walk his granddaughter down the aisle. I never would have thought my husband would not be there 20 years later to walk his little girl down the aisle. I tried (unsuccessfully at times) to hold back the tears and focus on the joy I saw radiating from my daughter's face.  I was so thankful my dad was there to stand in her dad's place. 

The next page in my life was turned not long after that when the lady I was a caregiver to suffered another stroke and had to be placed in a nursing home.  It was not easy seeing her in that condition, and it also left me without a job.  During this time of transition, God provided part time jobs to carry me through until I was able to find a full time job. 

In the meantime, I was able to take my two youngest on our first official vacation.  I'll admit it was scary to plan a trip without my husband but I was determined to go.  I knew we needed it...or at least I, off to Houston we went.  We found a nice hotel in a perfect location between Houston and Galveston allowing us to plan trips without much travel in either direction. I think my favorite part was driving down around the Gulf (I love the palm trees and ocean!).   My only regret is that we did not take the Ferry to see the dolphins but my kids were not feeling well that day so a water ride could have made matters worse (you know, the 'feed the fish' type of worse).  Ugh!  Anyway....

God's timing is perfect!  It wasn't many days after we arrived back from vacation that I was able to find full-time employment.  It hasn't been easy to work those long hours each day as a single parent but we're adjusting.  I am truly thankful for my job!  

I've dealt with so many emotional ups and downs, highs and lows over the past couple months...the latest being another anniversary without my husband.  God sent comforting words that I needed to hear on what would have been our 21st Anniversary. "A man of God in the will of God is immortal until his work on earth is done." It was his time to go or God wouldn't have taken him.  We miss their dad more than words can express, but I can see healing is beginning to take place within us. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Reflecting On The Past Several Months

It has been quite a while since I last blogged.  A LOT has transpired since then.

A week before Thanksgiving, I received word on a Friday night that the test results for my oldest daughter came back positive for Lupus. My heart sank! I became desperate and serious with God.  Our family had already been through so much.  We couldn't take more heartache so I spent the weekend fasting and praying.   Many rallied to our support joining with more fasting and prayers.  By Monday, God turned the whole situation around!  The second test they ran came back negative!!!  She did NOT have Lupus!  God heard our prayers and performed a miracle in her body!  We had so much to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day!

A few days after Thanksgiving, my heart was grieving again.  The precious lady I was a caregiver for passed from this life to her eternal home.  She is missed but we take comfort in knowing she is resting in Jesus and one day, we shall see her again.

Christmas morning we awoke to a storm.  The kids opened their presents and I began to prepare Christmas dinner.  The food had just finished cooking (except the pie) before the power went off.  I was not aware that just a few miles from us, a tornado was leaving a trail of destruction.  We drove around after the storm passed looking for someplace with electricity and were shocked by what we saw.  Trees were down, utility poles twisted and snapped,  semi-trailers laying on their side,  a house with its roof caved in because a tree had fallen on it...yet despite all that, no one was injured.  God was protecting everyone on Christmas Day. 

New Year's Day we awoke to water pouring through our ceiling.  Apparently, the Christmas Day tornado had pulled some of the roofing back allowing the water access on the next hard rain.  I must confess that I did panic.  Through it all, God again showed He was watching over us and sent help to fix the leak.  Thankfully the repairs were not as extensive as I originally feared.

Easter Sunday, our area was hit by yet another tornado right after Easter service.  I knew the weather was bad but had no idea we were driving near a tornado.  The rains were torrential, we saw road signs twisted and laying over backwards, roads were flooding, and power lines were down again.  I stopped within inches of running over a downed power line.  I'm not sure it would have harmed us since the electricity was out but I did not want to take any chances nor did I want to run over the broken glass from the downed light pole. 

Reflecting on the past few months, I can see how God has had His hand on us time and again. So thankful!

Looking on the bright side of things....
My oldest daughter is engaged so we have been busy preparing for her wedding.  My heart breaks that her dad will not be there to walk her down the aisle, but we refuse to let the pain of loss overshadow the joy of gain.  She is gaining a soul-mate to share the rest of her life with. And God just keeps blessing and supplying every need for her special day. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Purse, The Thief, and Walmart

     What a crazy night!  I just saved my daughter's purse from being stolen at Walmart. A lady walked up and stood right beside her cart where her purse was...the whole aisle was empty but she chose to stand right there so I kept an eye on her. My daughter noticed the lady was close behind her so she moved her cart forward a little then turned back to look at the candy.  I noticed the lady moved forward and stood in front of her purse again eying it. Next thing I see is her picking it up and shoving it under the stuff in her hand.

     I immediately stood in front of her and demanded she give it back.  She tried to say it was hers but I was mad and started hollering for security (Mama Bear came out in me) so she quickly handed it back then walked away saying I was crazy and she didn't know what I was talking about. I followed her through the store hollering for security (I know I looked like a crazy woman but I was NOT going to let her get away). Finally 3 workers came to see what the commotion was but said they couldn't do anything since she did not have my daughter's purse in her possession and she was still denying it.

     Later as we were leaving, one of the cashiers asked if we got the purse back. I explained more about what happened then she told me what transpired after I walked away.  It is suspected she did get away with stealing someone else's wallet (which I saw in her hand but she insisted was hers to security). All of "her" cards were declined, the "pins" were incorrect, and her ID did not match up when she tried to write a check....then after she left, another lady came to the front saying her wallet was missing.

So frustrating!  She was right there, they had her, but could not hold her because of the laws. 
     I'm very thankful I was there, watchful, and was able to quickly retrieve the purse before she got away.  I know it was God....I had stopped to look at some things while she went to the candy aisle (she's old adult now) but felt to quickly go to where she was.  I know now it was God guiding me to be there at that moment.   She learned a valuable lesson - hold on tightly to your purse!  

     I am posting this to pass a warning on to all you ladies, also, so hopefully you will not go through what we went through tonight.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Painful Adjustments and Insomnia

     It's been several months since I've blogged so I apologize for the long absence.  I keep having bouts of insomnia so decided to make use of this awake time (although I know I'm going to pay for it when morning comes).  Coffee is becoming my best friend!

     There have been more ups and downs, highs and lows as I adjust to being a single mom on top of dealing with our grief.  I've had to make many hard decisions on my own concerning the kids, work, etc that I was used to discussing with my husband to get his input.  Now it's all on my shoulders and is a daunting and painful task.  I'm thankful God has placed friends in my life who've been where I'm at that encourage, comfort, and provide input needed.

      After much prayer and tears, I had to make the difficult decision to no longer home-school and place my 2 younger children in public school.  I needed to find work and knew I could not do both.  It was a very stressful transition for me (they were fine) because I had been a stay-at-home, home-schooling mom since they were born.  But I am happy to report they are doing well in school and loving it!

      Because we only have one vehicle, I've had to depend on my oldest daughter to become chauffeur for her siblings when they had to be one place and I needed to be at another.  It's been stressful on all of us, but I think we're finally starting to adjust.  

      Labor Day weekend was difficult (for me)....our anniversary always falls on or around that weekend.  This year would have made 20 years of marriage.  It was very painful to think about.  I didn't want to mope and cry all day so without telling the kids why, I gathered them up and headed to the zoo.  I just wanted (and needed) to get my mind off the pain.  Despite the heat, we spent a couple hours walking around looking at all the animals.   It turned out to be a good day.

     I'm looking at the clock and realizing it's only 3 1/2 hours before I need to get up so I'm going to attempt once again to get some sleep.  My body knows it's time for sleep, but my mind keeps churning.  Hopefully, my mind will let me rest now that I've blogged.


Friday, June 1, 2012


Hurray!  I finally figured out how to remove the bathroom sink's plug so I could remove whatever was clogging the drain.
     Kinda wish now I hadn't....the stuff that was down in there...Ugh!
          But it had to be done....
               was cheaper than calling a plumber...
                    and better than pestering friends (again) for what was a simple fix.

(I'll save your stomach and not post a picture of what the plug looked like when I pulled it out.)

     After looking under the sink for the 10th time, I figured out I just needed to unscrew the lever from the back of the drain under the sink to remove it from the plug valve thingy (yeah, I know....not the correct terminology) allowing me to lift it up and out of the drain.   Now I know how to fix it in case it ever happens again.  

My husband was a carpenter and handyman.
He could fix anything and everything.  
He was so talented! 
Every time something needs fixed around the house, 
it reminds me he's no longer here.
I miss him so much!

Because he's not here, I'm learning how to do some of the maintenance myself....
  • The other day, I finished the grout work my wonderful husband was not able to complete.
  • I also re-painted the stucco which had been started but never finished.
  • I've learned how to cut angles for trim and baseboard.
  • And I've learned how to caulk...perhaps not perfect but it's done.
  • I've installed towel rings and toilet paper holders
  • And put together bookshelves and storage cubes

I realized I had learned a lot more from him than what I thought I had.

While it is nice to know I can do these things, my heart aches longingly for him each time I have to undertake one of these projects.....alone....without him.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Memorial Weekend

     I'm actually beginning to 'strongly dislike' (trying not to say 'hate') holidays.  I know I shouldn't feel that way (and I'm sure I won't feel this way forever) but this is how I feel right now.  I'm missing my husband, I see the sadness on my children's faces, and family is too far away to get together with...holidays just seem to compound the pain and loneliness.  *sigh!*  BUT it will get better! I cling to that hope!  I have to in order to make it through.

     I went to my husband's grave prepared to clean around it and water the ground with my tears.  As I began brushing dirt and cobwebs off the headstone and flower urn, I noticed there were cobwebs among the flowers (again).  Since they were beginning to look faded, I pulled them out to replace them.  Inside, was a big black spider and evidence of it's many midnight snacks.  I was trying to decide if I should just put the new flowers in and ignore it when it moved.  To my horror, I spotted a RED HOURGLASS!

Thus began....
The Grieving Widow versus the Black Widow

     I stood petrified for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do next.   The only thing I had on hand was Repel mosquito spray so I grabbed it and began spraying.......and spraying......and then I sprayed some more.  It worked...or at least stunned it enough that I was able to kill it and it's eggs with a stick. It was a battle between the widows, but I won (thankfully)! One thing about seeing that helped me to quickly forget my sorrow, but now I have the heebie jeebies!  

Whoever said, "you have nothing to fear except fear itself" must have forgotten about poisonous spiders!!!